Thursday, November 3, 2011

Contact me!!

  Hey guys, guess what? I almost forgot to tell you that I have a YouTube channel and a twitter! My usernames for both of them are heyitsmebeauty425. Check me out, follow and subscribe please!!!

Hugs and Loves!
:):) <3 U all!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Yoga :)

Some of you do Yoga every morning. Some of you don't because you think its kind of dumb.
Let me tell you something, it's not.

          It's kind of like stretching, but it will make you stronger and more relaxed. It's a really great thing to do in the morning for around ten minutes. It gets you up and calms you so you will not be so stressed throughout the day. There are quite a few poses that I enjoy, such as: The Cobra, The tree, the triangle, downward facing dog, and about a million more that I forgot the name of.
If you are interested in doing yoga, there are quite a bit of videos on YouTube that have great Yoga routines. My favorite is this web address:

So? Go ahead and stretch it out! You will feel great!

Friday, August 19, 2011

My YOUTUBE channel!

OH! I almost forgot! I got a youtube channel! Wanna know my username? If you do, here it is: heyitsmebeauty425

My channel is filled with beauty tips and sometimes just random videos. If you like my channel, click subscribe. I promise I will subscribe you back!

AWESOME study tips

School is starting! Yikes! I'm not sure about you guys, but I am psyched and nervous at the same time. Why? I am going into Middle school! These study tips work for ALL ages, so don't worry. Here we go! Ready.... Set..... READ!!!

Study Skills

Bratty Model
In any activity you spend time doing, you want to gain the most out of it. Everyday you spend roughly 6 and a half hours at school, and may feel that you only gained 30-40 minutes of any actual knowledge. Were they only teaching that much that day? Looking over your notes and studying your subjects will help you stay on top of things.

The best way to go about studying is to study in the manner at which you learn best. First you should decide what kind of learner you are. The two main ways that people learn are by seeing and by hearing. This is called visual and auditory learning. Most everyone is capable of learning both ways, but there are tips to finding out which one you naturally prefer.

Auditory learners ( good listeners ) find that taking notes from lectures and taking in information that people are telling them is the best way for them to learn. Audio learners often find themselves to be the ones in class who ask more questions and analyze information best through the spoken word. If you are an auditory learner, you prefer the teacher to tell you how to do something, rather than reading about how to do it.

Asking questions will always help to clarify information and/or give you more information so that you will be able to find out all sides of the topic. Sometimes you may ask questions you may already know the answer to. Confirming an idea is important. You know the saying that no question is a stupid question? As long as you are sticking to the subject, it's true!

Bratty Model
It's important to ask questions if you learn visually as well, since most visual learners are taking in information by themselves, and not through a conversation. Because there really is only so much knowledge you can gain from a book, you'll need to actually talk with others about what you have learned so that you can analyze and form an opinion about the subject.

The other dominant learning pattern you may find yourselves in is the category of visual learners. These students are ones that learn more easily by looking at pictures, at models, by reading; in other words, using their eyes. Some of you visual learners may find that at the end of the school day you have forgotten some of the things you were taught in your lectures, even if notes were taken. Our best advice is to read over what you had written down and look back at the book. Reading the information for a second or third time is important. It will also be helpful to create other things that you can look at, such as timelines, Venn diagrams, flash cards, pictures, or highlighting things in different colors. These tools will help burn the lessons into your memory.

Create flash cards that will help you study with repetition. It is important before you begin studying the cards, to know what order they should be in. History cards are simple, because those will follow in the order from when the events occurred. Most subjects you should order according to when you learned the topics. Math is just the same. This formula figures out this, which can then be used in determining that. Picture how your teacher will structure your test, lesson to lesson, and then order your cards accordingly. Auditory learners will find that word association and rhyming schemes will help to memorize info. Who delivered the Gettysburg address? "I'm thinkin' Lincoln" you may tell yourself. A visual learner may draw a penny on the flashcard of this question to help them remember. Find what way you learn best, study in that fashion, and you will get the most out of your school day.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is the true meaning of the word "Think?"

You might be thinking, is there EVER a true meaning to a word? Yes, it is possible. I mean, anythings possible!
The meaning of this word is an acronym. You see, when you think, these are the questions you should ask yourself


     Does that make sense? It works for me. Is it true? Is it helpful? is it inspirational? Is it necessary? Is it kind?
If you are in a bad situation, ask yourself these questions before you say something. You could be saving your life, social wise AND physical wise.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Feeling down?

      Are you feeling down? Well, I know some ways that might cheer you up. :)
First of all, you should get your girly on. Go to this link to sign up on an awesome site, Bratty Model. If you go down two posts I blogged about the site.

You don't have to check out the site right now, so if you want you can keep reading!
Another thing that can cheer you up is to think of the good things in life. (Or at least try.) Call your friends or a family member that cares for you.

    You can also get artsy! You could bake something with the food you have in your kitchen, paint a picture or just sketch! (If you are not good at drawing, there are some sites that can teach you how to draw.) Remember, practice makes perfect, so be patient.

    You could also watch a movie or read a favorite book! There are lots of ways to cheer yourself up, so don't worry!
    Have a great day and be happy! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

Monday, June 13, 2011

How to gain self confidence

   Most of you guys are already out of school. For some of you it is your last week. You all know how the end of the year is. You are more outgoing because you are used to everything. Yet, at the start of a new school year, most people are shy and nervous. This update is dedicated to the people who feel like that at the start of a new year.

     To start off, you might want to read this blog by Natasha Chalenko. Copy and paste this web address in your web browser:  (If you liked the blog on that site, go to this link to sign up on the site!

   After you finish reading that blog, make a list of all the good things about you and hang it up on your wall so you can read it every day. Then, make a list of what you would like to change about yourself. Is it your fashion sense? Would you like to loose weight? Do you want to be noticed? These are some of the common things girls would like to change about their selves. Maybe you have something different? It is okay if you do, too. If you would like help with THOSE questions,  you can email me at

   (I check my emails quite a bit, but sometimes I just don't read any of them.) ;)
These are just some ways to feel better about yourself, but their are MUCH more ways. Always keep this in mind: "Popularity isn't everything" and "Life's WAY too short: Embrace the dork in you." Blog ya later!

    Michelle :D

Friday, June 10, 2011

Bratty Model

Holy cow! I haven't posted in two months!! Time for an update.

   I found this site called Bratty Model, and it is REALLY cool!

This site gives you a lot of confidence and is something to do when you are bored and are having a girly moment. You can even get free clothes if you are on it a lot! You will see why soon. On this site, you can also make your own blog and read other blogs, (my favorite one is Natasha Chalenko's she is a world wide famous model!) and also vote if things are 'hot or not.' Wanna know the site? Go to this link!!! IMPORTANT!! To be able to buy things, I need you to go to this link. (Don't take the name seriously, bratty has nothing to do with it.) Hope ya like it! If you wanna add me, my user is michellexlynn.
Go to it! You will like it! :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Have you smiled today???

Smile! Smile!! Smile!!!

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I like, no love taking pictures and uploading them on social networks. This is the only way i can right now

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Saturday, March 26, 2011


What instrument do you play? I play the piano. Its fun. Hee hee. Have a great day!

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Smile!!! Now!!! be happy! Lol

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Friday, March 4, 2011

Ten things to do when you are bored out of your mind.

Here is a list of ten things to do when you are bored!
1. See how high pitched or low pitched you could make your voice!
2. Sing a song you know, then try to make up funny lyrics to it.
3.Dance around for no reason.
4. Teach yourself to do a forward roll. (If you can, then see how many you can do in a row)
5.Think of what you want to be when you grow up. Make a mind movie
6.Jump around.
7. Turn on some music, and pretend to be a terrible model. It is very funny!
8. Try to make up your own magic trick.
9.Do some science experiments! All you need is a balloon! You rub the balloon all around your head ( if you are bald you cannot do this) and see if the balloon will stick to your hair.
10.Skip around your house

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fashions come and go but bows always stay. They look great on anyone, and can add some more "cute" to your outfit!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Right now i am in my bed texting this. I was bored so i took this picture of myself. I have no clue what just hit me but i decided to blog. Have a great day and try to stay warm!i am in my bed wearing a snuggie as i am writing this. Lol. But really, stay warm.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011


Okay, I am really obsessed with anime. Not know what it is? First thing I need to say, that is sad. Second thing, let me show you a picture of anime. (LOOK ABOVE! lol) Here are some more! Look above again. LOL. These are really cute pictures that have to do a lot with Japenese culture, and the pictures are really cute! The second one of a girl, (girl with blue hair) is my background. The other one was for a long time, too. I can draw anime, but not as good as these. I am really good with the eyes though. Above, there are anime eyes, too!  Can you draw anime? Send me a picture of it at and I will post your pictures!! Have a great day!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Spring needs to sprung soon.

Are you freezing all day? I am, even with a blanket on! I wish it was spring, because the weather is not to hot nor too cold. It is the perfect weather! Picnic fans, get your blankets ready! Honestly, I cannot stand it. IT IS TOO COLD!!! I have a snuggie, and it does not work that well. Thank god that people make loft beds. I have one, and it is so hard to get up in the morning to go to school! It is a pain. (If you do not understand why I can't get out of bed easily in the morning, is because heat rises up, and loft beds are up high.) I mean, really, why can't it snow so then you did not have to go outside if you wanted to? That would be awesome, but so far where I live, no snow. Its sad. If only February was one day. Then March would come a LOT faster. Just have to wait.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wendy Mass

If you are a person who is sick and tired of the same old authors, well, I have an author for you! WENDY MASS! She writes great books. Every time I finish one I think "When is the next one coming?" A book by her I recently read is called A Mango Shaped Space. Weird title right? Well, its a good book. It is about a girl named Mia who has this weird condition called "Synesthesia" (sen es the sha) Synesthesia is a uncommon thing that can happen to a human. You see colors. You can see colors when you hear something, read something or other things like that!  Every human who has synesthesia see's different colors for different things, for instance, Mia thought her name was candy apple red with a hint of green, while a little boy thought her name was orange with purple polka dots. It is a fantastic book and I hope you might read some of her other books. If you read one of the books email me at and tell me if you liked it or not, and why? Blog ya later!